
From AmtWiki

Azrael, of Iron Mountains

”I am not your touch slut.”


Affiliated Groups

Wolves of Cernunnos (Wolf) Rakis 2007

House of Doom (Partly house trained phoofy fairy assassin)

Dragonesses (Dragon)

Belted Family


Notable Accomplishments

Accomplishment, in the game of Amtgard is achieved by every individual who picks up a stick and plays. Whether it be a noob their first day on the field, or a ten year veteran knight, all have done something to further their career in the game. ....

My most notable accomplishment to date is being the first Cub in the long history of the Wolves of Cernunnos to have survived the annual cub hunt at Rakis. Every year the Wolves gather a circle to discus orders of business and offer the opportunity for new members to join. For Cubs, this means a chance to walk the circle, to stand before each full member and establish who worthy to become a full fledged Wolf. Rakis 2007 was my first chance to do this. ....

Walking Circle on the first attempt is rare and almost impossible. I was one of the fortunate ones that night. Tension built as my litter mates were scrutinized by the senior members. Four other cubs walked that night. My sister of Crimson Dawn, my closest litter mate, was not accepted. Then it was my turn to walk circle, each Wolf in turn cast their vote. When the last voice had fallen silent, there were three voices against me. Had there been a fourth I would have failed that night, but as Fate held me in her favor, I took part in the ceremonial initiation into the Wolves. ....

The Cubs that had managed to walk that nigh were brought back into the circle and told that they had thirty minutes to run and hide. When the circle howled, the hunt was on. As soon as we were free to go, I tore up the hill and through the forest. I ran as fast as I could through the inky blackness and precarious terrain. Foolishness is what it turned out to be, because in my urgent flight I tripped and went sprawling. As I made to get up, my hand brushed a heavy duty tent peg, the type that is used for army tents. It was driven securely into the ground and I had come within a hairs breadth of impaling my skull. I gathered my wits, steeled my nerves and again attempted to rise only to find another spike poised at my stomach. Had I not caught myself as I fell, I would have suffered a grievous injury. Again, Fate had smiled upon me; I had landed on my hands and knees. ....

I steadied myself and rose to my feet. Taking my time, I picked my way back to camp without further incident. As I arrived I set to gathering my cloak, weapons, and a flask of rum. Then, as quickly as I had come, I was gone again into the darkness. Letting no one know where I was going. The day prior I had scouted the area for a hiding place. I had decided on holding up under the low hanging branches of a great spruce at the edge of a sight that I hoped would provide the cover I was looking for. ....

In the pine needles, I hunkered down against the trunk of the old tree. The sweet smell of sap was ever present. I did the best I could to get comfortable. Wrapped in my cloak and flask in hand, I waited. I sat in the dark for what seemed like forever and then I heard the howl echoing down through campgrounds. The Wolves were on the hunt. I knew then it was going to be a long long night. The hunt had only just begun. Already, I felt the cold creeping into my joints and had to shift several times to find one spot of relative comfort between the gnarled and twisted roots on the sloped hill. ....

I flinched at every sound, nerves set on edge waiting for some sight of those who were hunting me. In the distance, I could hear the bardic down at the chapel. It was too faint to listen to and was an annoying distraction. I could not clearly hear if anyone was approaching, and worse yet, I would hear things that weren't really there so hard was I straining to listen. I tried to relax but had little hope, I could not let my guard down. Time stretched out.

 It always does when one has nothing to do but wait, when one is uncomfortable, and have no idea how much time has passed.


At long last the bardic finally died out. I was relieved, but was left in oppressive silence. By this time I was chilled and exhausted. I could not help but slip into a light sleep. I awoke with the impression that something on the path had moved. Then, I was sure of it as a sound advanced toward my hiding place. My breathing slowed. I grabbed my weapon without making a sound. As I held perfectly still, I dropped my gaze unless a light across my eyes give away my location. I waited. I could tell that someone was searching for something. Looking back and forth across the pathway, I knew that if I looked up I was caught. I lay motionless until finally the sound turned and made it's was back up to the RP tavern. Breathing a sigh of relief, I shifted again to a more comfortable spot and again drifted off to sleep. ....

It seemed like moments but more likely hours later, I awoke again to the sound of voices approaching. I thought for sure that this time I had been found. I lay there, listening to the incoherent voices. Soon, the voices dwindled away leaving me alone yet again. I drifted into slumber one final time, when I awoke the stars had fled. The sky had lightened, but the sun had yet to rise. When the early morning had brightened enough, I could see that my hiding place was no longer as secure as I may have liked. I gathered myself and effects and took to higher ground. I hoped that if I should be found that I might be able to make it into the sunlight that had already started to clip the tips of the highest trees.


I climbed to the highest part of the hill side where I found a campsite with a fire ring and smoldering coals. Taking a chance, I threw fresh tinder into it, restarting the flame. It chased the remaining chill from my bones with its warm presence. The fire was pitiful compared to the warmth from the first rays of sunlight that crept into the campsite. I had done it. I was the first Wolf to survive the Cub hunt. I walked with the sun that morning all the way back to Wolf camp. It was a slow trek, but not as long or as slow as the night had been. I am and always will be the first to have survived; no one can claim or take that accomplishment from me.

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