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Wunjo Ballo, of Twilight Peak GV.

WunjoWiki.jpg WunjoHeraldryWiki.jpg

”Bard, Bard, Bard, Bard, Bard!”

Character Biography

Born in the lands of the north, Wunjo Ballo was raised by a troupe of dwarven musicians in service to a great King of Dwarves. They trained him in various instruments and introduced him to the Spellsinger, the art of combining magic with music. He lived and grew with the dwarves until he grew to maturity, learning many valuable life lessons through the dwarves' solid sense of honour and justice.

Wunjo was forced to split from his family when a sinister dark elf tyrant assassinated the dwarf king and let the blame fall on his musical entourage. As punishment for betrayal, the troupe was banished from the kingdom and scattered into the wildlands surrounding it.

Wunjo spent many years searching for his lost family. It was during this search that he befriended a young Gremlin he would grow to call Gummy. The two quickly learned to rely on each other for assistance and together they were able to survive the harsh environment of the wildlands.

At the end of his search, Wunjo came across the Barony of Wolven Fang and was overjoyed to see a settlement of humans, people like him, for the first time in his life. With little money to his name and a Gremlin on his back, Wunjo claimed the remains of a collapsed catacomb to be his new home. Hidden at the bottom of a well, their new home would serve them well.

Wunjo lived in Wolvenfang for many years, but as time went on, living became more difficult. A lich by the name of Vecna came to power and Wunjo was forced to flee southward to the fledgling shire of Twilight Peak.

Wunjo spent much of his time in Twilight Peak trying to become more than he was in Wolven Fang. He began travelling with it's warriors and returning to tell their tales at the locate tavern, the Golden Turtle. As his popularity grew, Wunjo formed the Godstone Fair and later, the Lighthouse Casino.

Sadly, in a terrible coup organized by a group of conspirators, Gummy was killed and Wunjo's last tie to his previous life was severed. The days of dwarven legends and deep jungle adventures were gone and Wunjo's transformation into a new kind of bard was complete.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

MaA under Squire Molly Malone

Notable Accomplishments

Creator/Ringleader of the Godstone Fair


Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • [Bio]
  • Company Website