
From AmtWiki

Grand Admiral Asmund Brandsson, Baron of the Burning Lands

”I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am”



Asmund joined Amtgard in the Burning Lands at the age of 15 in the winter of 1990. Early records indicate that he signed in under the name "Asmund the Berserk" before he realized how stupid that sounded and switched to "Asmund Brandsson".

A previous entry on this page had described Asmund as "known for his humor", a compliment for which he is flattered.

In addition to numerous satires, Asmund has also produced works of commentary, history, poetry, gaming and gastronomy. He is errouneously believed to have written the Talons of the Parrot, which was, in fact, the product of the Grand Admiral's extra-dimensional counterpart and only imported by Asmund.

This is not Asmund Heimdale Harroldson.

Affiliated Groups

Grand Admiral and founder of the Royal Amtgard Navy

Notable Accomplishments

  • Master Barbarian and Monster
  • Amtgard's first ever Guildmaster of Quests

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website