Five Oaks
park under RW located in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, but currently playing in Vine Grove, Kentucky.

Contacts and Directions
We meet Sundays at Optimist Park at 12:00pm. There is a Fighter Practice every Friday at Pritchard Community Center starting at 6:30pm.
Five Oaks meets twice a week. In Kentucky every Friday we meet at 6:00 pm at the Freeman Lake in Elizabethtown. Every Sunday we meet at 12:00pm at Optimist Park in Vine Grove. To get here you take I-65 to Joe PRather Hwy (Hwy 313), it can only go one way from there so take it all the way to the very end. And by end i mean there's only two ways to go, You turn left at the stop and follow it, close to the end, if you get to a bp station you've just passed it up on the left. Hope to see you all there.
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