V9: Offensive / Non-Offensive

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Revision as of 00:48, 18 November 2023 by Wunjo (talk | contribs) (transferred from google doc)
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.

Offensive / Non-Offensive

Each ability type is either offensive or non-offensive, with the exception of Verbals, which can be either.

  1. Non-Offensive abilities can be refused by their targets even if the ability is successfully cast. A refused ability has no effect but is still expended.
  2. Offensive abilities cannot be refused and will always impart their effects if cast successfully.

Below is a quick summary of each type for reference:

Offensive Ability Types

Non-Offensive Ability Types

Template:V9 Abilities and Effects (General Rules and Terms)