Low-Key Ein

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Revision as of 04:59, 7 March 2008 by Low-Key (talk | contribs)

In the Pirates of StormWall File:New Colors.jpg

I was born in Gotha Germany. I was named Arch after my father who was a archer, after both my parents were killed by a clan of barbarians and warriors i fled to the land westward to Dublin and was raised by my cousin, Donal who showed me how to fight with my arms and my mind. We traveled to the East to learn from a wise old man that went by a simple name Cha. We would later learn the we were learning how to not only change our fighting stiles but also our whole life, we were learning how to become assassins.I would later change my name after the god of mischief LOKI but would take it a pone myself to mix it up and became Low-Key many years later my cousin and I parted ways and I join up with a clan called Tyrson a brave group but they like to travel I like to stay where i was so i let our paths part. Once again i found myself alone but then a group call The Roulette, a pirate crew with one of the fiercest pirate captains I ever met Captain Flintlock Udrid. Once again I am now faced with the problem of where to go now that the crew has moved on.File:Low-Key.jpg

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