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== Döviῦs, of Cresthaven, Neverwinter ==



Started fighting in 2001 at the park Silverwater in lake worth Florida as a 5 year old named “little man.” Due to issues beyond his control he stopped playing for A t least a 10+ year break. Döviῦs then took on the new name “Dankbud” at the time when he met back up with Newlok Tree #LLNEWLOK a fellow Silverwater member which they often termed each other as “Battle Buddies” from that point forward, they played with a Way Of The Sword group called Satsubatsu Gumi which sparked a fire beneath not only one of them but both after meshing well with the house of Museigen’s fearless leader Hollywood aka Mr.No Limits himself. Taking on the life of foam fighting seriously Newlok Tree, Hollywood and Döviῦs rebranded Blackstar which had been thought of after all these years as the plague.

All We Knew Was


Döviῦs would frequently cross game into Dagorhir events, where he and Newlok Tree met up with Imperial Atlantis. They were dominant and respected and they wanted us on board as coming from Amtgard at the time gave us the upper hand speed and technical fighting wise considering everyone used flat swords and didn’t do that much cross gaming. Döviῦs and Newlok Tree decided that the Agoge”(Atlantis’s trials) were taking a priority over Blackstar and they then dropped their “remora” status so they could focus on recruiting for Blackstar. Blackstar then became a very dominate force in south Florida and eventually re-earned the “respect”/acceptance of the Kingdom Of Neverwinter. Due to a rift in the company Blackstar disbanded which made Döviῦs at the time turn from the game. Fast forward 8 years Döviῦs is now returned and has his mind set on walking the path to earn the title of Warlord, not only for himself but to “finish the game” for his battle buddy.


Affiliated Groups


Belted Family




Dropped Man at arms for Sir Sekaon Tree to become Man at arms belt from Sir Stinkfoot of the Triads before his 8 year hiatus.

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images