User:Ellena Ferngrove

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Women At Arms Ellena Ferngrove, of Ravenstone, Northreach

”Like I said, the stars are always on my side”

Ellena Ferngrove Heraldry
Ellena Ferngrove


  • Early Life/The Dark Curse

Ellena Ferngrove was born during the battle against the dark realm. Her kingdom was engulfed in darkness. She lay asleep, Ellena being only an infant.A dark spirit from the dark realm snuck into her room during the war and cursed her, leaving a symbol on the palm of her left hand.The dark spirit whispered "when the blood moon rises every month she will turn into a creature of darkness, welcome tiny one" the spirit cackled and vanished into the dark night. As she grew older she made a black 3-finger glove to cover the symble. She would never take it off for people would ask questions.

So once every month when the blood moon rises she tranforms into a beast, her whole life she has kept it a secret, the only thing that knows of the curse is the wise tree that is in the middle of her wood. Whenever she turns into this creature the tree would tell her to run, for he knows that people would hunt her down. "Run,girl,run" he would say, "for people dont understand". Ellena hated the changing into the creature she would mostly hide and cry for she hates this curse. One full blood moon night when Ellena was only 7 she ran out into a field while slowly tranforming into her creature form. The cold night breeze of her running hitting her furr. With tears falling behind with everystep. Her furry body and running on all 4 legs,she stops to let out a sad howling at the moon,wishing things could be different. Ellena stared up at the starry night sky. Tears collecting in her furr. She looked back down to the grass, there was a puddle next to her. She stared at herself, more tears falling now hitting the puddle. She then shook her head and kept running. Farther and farther she ran. As the sun started to rise she look twords it to realize she ran all the way to the royal castle. Its not covered in darkness anymore for the war ended when she was 4. She watched the sun rise over the castle. And as a ray of the sun hit her creature form body she felt a painful feeling as she change back into her normal self again.With her clothes still on her from before,but they are tworn a bit from the painful transformation into that beast.She then took one last look at the castle as the people inside started to wake,she headed back to her wood, feeling sore and tired. Her mother worried at her return wondering were she had been. Ellena would reply with lies like "oh i was battleing some skeletons" or "i was riding my horse and fell of" she never told her the truth. She was to afraid that her mother would be frightened. One regular sunny day when she was playing her ocarina she heared a rumor, only told by the forest spirits....

~Travel far but not run away. Creature of the blood moon hear me for If one learns to love themselves at there worst then shall be lifted of a horrendous curse.~

That rumor stayed with her, roaming in her head. No matter what she would be doing that rumor would whisper to her. She soon started to believe it to be true.

  • The Journey To Northreach

One day Ellena’s mother gave her a note that her distant half-cousin (Gamgee Samwise) wrote to her stating that there was a kingdom named Northreach and he lived in the town called Ravenstone. And he wanted Ellena to embark on a journey north to join him in the fight. Ellena felt that she should go and maybe could find her long-lost father. Ellena said her goodbyes, grabbed her father's hat that he gifted her long ago,grabbed her ocarina,diary, and some essentials, and headed out on her long journey. On her journey north, she encountered some interesting things. Like crazy potion sellers to nasty bandits. Soon she got to Ravenstone, and as she set foot in the town she knew she would feel right at home, even tho she still misses her homeland she wanted to make these new people proud in the battles and journeys she will embark on.

  • In The Barony Of Ravenstone

Ever since Ellena came to Ravenstone she has been welcomed with open arms and the people there have taken her in as their own. She likes to spend her days in Ravenstone hanging out in Corbies Feast (Tavern) and exploring the northern forests in search of magical creatures. She soon will have her own place in Hammerfrost Hall little ways outside the walls of Ravenstone. In the barony, she has made two new companions Lucky a Bowtruckle and Benjamin an Almurij. Ellena is still living in this town currently, she is trying to follow her destiny and keep her dark curse a secret so it doesn't ruin the friendships she has made.

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Belted Family

Women-At-Arms To Boot Of The Wilds

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