Clan Akitor
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Clan Akitor
”Et akio za Ufiroca Klomora dí Akitor” "We are the United Clans of Akitor Household Heraldry
Biography of Group
The Unified Clans of Akitor is a Househould founded on November 13th 2019 by Fang Elvenheart, leader of the Noble Clan Akitor descended from the Akitraca, an ancient race of Elven folk from Akitor, and Luna Elvenheart,also known as Draki Nova, the head of the Akitori Clan Draco. Clan Akitor is the only branch of Akitraca whom still exist. Clan Draco is a distant clan descended from an ancient race of Nomadic Dracori Elvenfolk with features resembling Dragons. Draconic Elves are mighty fighters who dont go down without a fight, while Akitori Elves who serve the Elvenheart dynasty seek peace and minimal bloodshed.
Affiliated Groups
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2
More Information
- [["Web address here" ]
- [["Web address here" ]]
- Contact [mailto:"your email" "Your Name"] for more information.