Order of the Black Dragon

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The Order of the Black Dragon

”Your quest is our bidding.”

Household Heraldry

Biography/Background story of the Group

   Nearly lost to time, a story is still repeated about how the gods suddenly became silent and their mortal and immortal children, without guidance, turned upon each other. Over time even the Immortal Dragons, said to be the first children of the Gods, began to fight for dominance and control of the skies and land. Their fights caused more destruction then all the other wars combined. 
   Two of the largest of these leviathans met in battle one night in the skies above while the world below cowered and cried out in terror. The destruction wrought that night would forever scar the worlds face and the memories of those that survived for ages to come. In the end, the two great Leviathans, The black Dragon, Corymanthysis and the crystal Dragon, Cyrylas'tamanth, crashed to the earth unconscious and unable to continue their fight. It was then that the Gods chose to speak to their wayward children once again.
    The Dragons woke much later and Cyrylas'tamanth and Corymanthysis went their separate ways. 
    Tanthalos and Cormyr had met in their travels, became friends and began to journey together. During a harsh winter the two took refuge in a large cavern deep in the mountains. Unbeknownst to them, Corymanthysis had been sleeping deep within and awoke to the sound of their casual talk. The dragon listened silently during the next few days of the harsh weather, and then began to whisper to the half elf and his companion. His words softly echoed through the cavern. Their reaction was as expected but with no place to go in the harsh winter storms they slowly began to understand that this voice seemed to mean them no harm. The dragon imparted knowledge and long lost stories that put them to ease over the next few weeks. When the storms finally broke much later and there was a hint of spring in the air, Tanthalos and Cormyr left the confines of the cave and ventured out thinking of what they had learned and how best to use it. 
   The Order of the Black Dragon began to organize under Tantholas and Cormyr at the end of the year 2000 in the Grand Duchy of Darkwater East in the Kingdom of Neverwinter.  Corymanthysis' words still echo'd in their minds as they began to pass on the knowledge they had gained. 
                      In order to grow a balance must be maintained.

Affiliated Groups

House Sunforge
Tear of Blood
Night Raven

Poet (Mortis Nuntius )

===Household Service Awards:===

Order of the Flame 2002
Order of the Flame 2003

Additional Images

  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • [["Web address here" Facebook logo.jpg]
  • [["Web address here" Webpage.jpg]]
  • Contact [mailto:"your email" "Your Name"] for more information.

  • Orkhousehold.GIF