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This article may require cleanup. The specific problem is: headings need to be un-capitalized. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article if you can. (April 2016) |
Amt-Risk is an Amtgard version of the Darkon map rules.
These are the basic rules to Amt-risk as I found them on the old Rising Winds site with some minor modifications that I had made after running a few Amt-Risk campaigns as map-keeper. The modifications are really more of clarifications and are all noted with (- Wisp) in case you want to ignore them and revert to the original form. Rules
AMT-RISK GAME PREMISE: The Amt-Risk battle-game is a traditional Amtgard Battle-game with purpose. A Game map, representing the park, will be maintained by the Map-keeper and will be divided into a number of regions. Each region (also referred to as territory or province) will provide its owner with a number of resources, each of which provide game effects. The purpose of the game is for players to use, guile, tactics, intrigue, and of course brute force to improve their landed holdings within the park and if all goes well conquer all of the land for themselves. Beginning of the Game: When the game begins anyone in the barony may petition to have a region of his or her own. Each player will draw a chit with a number on it. Each number will represent a region in the park. That region will now belong to that player. If there are more players than regions then excess blank chits are added and a blank chit drawn means a person is un-landed (for the time being). Furthermore each landholder should receive 2-4 weeks resources. This will allow the game to get jump-started.
Order of Play: Each week (only weeks when the landed battle-game takes place) any number of battle-games will be held depending on the time permitted. The order of events is simple.
1) Scroll and Potions are created BEFORE any teams are assembled.
2) FORCE DETERMINATION PHASE: Battlefield and opposing leaders are announced. The Reeve/Map-keeper announces provinces involved to the populace.
3) "Alliances Form" Defending Leader and Attacking Leader(s) of the Battle-game assemble teams (much of this will have been predetermined in the week leading up to the game). The two (or more) leaders will stand in the open and all allies (people who for one reason or another have decided to fight with that person) will file in behind them. During this time it is recommended that no more than 5 minutes be allowed for allies to determine whom they wish to fight for (much of this should have been handled prior to the start of the game). NOTE: Some players may simply decide to act as unaligned characters and take no sides.
4) Pay for Allies: The Team Leaders must provide a resource/cash payment for all allies. 1 Resource or equivalent average price in cash. (See Military Cost Rules) Those allies who cannot be paid for will revert to the player reserve pool.
5) "Reserve Pool Selection" After the allies have formed behind their leaders the teams will pick from those players remaining in the player pool, those people who are not allied but want to play. The smallest team will choose first and the next smallest and so on.
6) At this point one team or the other may offer Surrender (see Surrender) if it appears the teams are too overwhelmingly unbalanced. If one team wishes to fight then the battle will proceed.
7) RESOURCE EXPENDITURE PHASE: Both teams turn in IRON (weapons and armor), GRAIN (health) and TIMBER (siege engines) for use in the upcoming battle. If necessary Ships may be built with TIMBER (1 TIMBER for every 2 people being transported). These resources are given to the Map-keeper/Reeve.
8) All Sides announce how many Siege Engines they are building to the reeve. The Reeve will then determine from the following formula the net effect of Siege Engines. For each 2 that the Defender builds the Attacker will eliminate 1 of theirs. For each 2 remaining Attackers Siege Engines the Defenders Castle is reduced by 1. NOTE: if either side has an Engineer workshop this will need to be taken account of.
9) BATTLE SETUP: If there is any Castle Strength remaining the defender will get the ability to place a Castle in their territory.
10) Team Leaders determine who will have reduced death counts as a result of GRAIN use. IRON resources are assigned to players for Weapon or Armor.
11) Defending Team now goes to the areas representing the area in the park being attacked and determines a base (their Nirvana). This will insure that BATTLE-GAMES ARE FOUGHT IN VARIOUS AREAS OF THE PARK each week. The Defending Team must select a defensive location and place a Team Flag. If the Defender has at least one Castle Strength they may place a Castle to represent their base. The Defender must also place a ribbon/cloths to represent any buildings located in that province.
12) Attackers go to the region representing the attacking region and determine their base.
13) BATTLE-GAME: WINNING!!!! The type of battle will determine the winning objectives. Annihilation or Capture the Defending Flag. The Team Leader that wins is given the Military Cost Pool for their use.
14) Additional Battle-games are fought using the same process as 1-14 above.
15) Battle results are recorded on the Park Map. Any remaining Forts not destroyed by Siege Engines are left in place regardless of who now owns the territory. Any building not destroyed also remains.
16) BUILDING & RESOURCE PHASE: Resources (chits) are distributed to all current landowners.
17) The Resource Market will take transactions from landed players with Marketplaces.
18) Landholders may make any buildings, castles, improvements may and any must pay the required amount of resources necessary (turned over to the Map-keepers)
19) ATTACK ANNOUNCEMENT PHASE: The Map-keeper announces he is accepting battle plans. At this time any PLAYER (landed or un-landed) wishing to attack next week makes such an announcement. All attackers make their intentions known. They announce what province they are attacking and from where they are attacking. NOTE: the mapkeeper may use any fair method to insure battle plans are made in an orderly means.
20) If more than 1 attack is issued a method for determining in which order the battlegames will be played should be used (dice, etc). Generally only one or two battle-games can be done, however due to circumstances the first battle-games may not be played. Any battle-games not played are assumed to have faltered. Please note; a single region may be attacked by more than one attacker, in which case a multi-team battle-game will be played (2 on 1, 3 team free for all, etc). NOTE: At the end of the battle if two teams attack a third in the end only one team may take control of the province.
21) During that week players can negotiate, make under the table deals and whatever else they wish to do in order to bolster support for an upcoming attack or defense. Any items, cash, resources, even land can be traded or used in negotiations. Players may elect to sell land and resources to each other and so on. Furthermore Attackers are allowed to cancel attacks that are set forth, they must inform the Map-keeper of their intention to cancel an attack and such notice is Irrevocable. NOTE: if land is sold/traded the map keeper must be informed for obvious reasons.
Resources: are accumulated through owning provinces then bought and sold by players. The general effects and purposes of resources are as follows:
STONE: may be used to build Castle Strength. Any team defending a region with Castle Strength will receive the ability to place a Castle. 1 STONE will allow the construction of +1 Castle Strength.
TIMBER: may be used to build Siege Engines (1 timber each) or ships (1 TIMBER for every 2 people being transported). Siege Engines are used to destroy Castle Strength in a region (2 for 1). If an attacker has excess Siege Engines they will receive 1 bonus life for each excess Siege Engine. Ships will allow a team to use water (lake or river) to lay attack. Unlike Castles, Siege Engines are used up in an attack, any excess Siege Engines are considered consumed at the end of a battle.
IRON: can be used for Extra Weapons or Armor. Each IRON assigned to Weapons will allow any ONE player to have UNLIMITED weapon replacements. A player who has had a Weapons assigned to them is allowed "field" repairs on weapons at a 50 count or a 0 count at home base. Meaning that if a player has had an IRON resource dedicated to them they may make unlimited repairs on their weapons while in the field (all that is required is a 50 count) or if they simply touch home base they repair all weapons automatically. This effect remains for the ENTIRE battle-game. Extra Armor is similar except each player may be assigned any number of IRON resources. The effect of the extra Armor is to completely replace one's armor by touching home base for a 50 count (no field repairs allowed). The player may only repair their armor as many times as they have IRON resources for Armor. So a player assigned 3 IRON will be able to have their armor repaired 3 times in the battle-game.
GRAIN: can be used to improve the health and recovery times of players. Each GRAIN resource will allow ONE player to have a 50% reduction (150 instead of 300 count) in their death count for an ENTIRE battle-game. A second GRAIN may also be granted to a player in which case that player will have a 0-count death. All that person needs to do is touch their home base to be back in play, no death count required.
TRADE ROUTES: Certain areas on the map provide a resource designated by a "?" which represents a trade route. A trade route allows the landholder to determine what resource they would like.
Resources may of course be traded to any other landholder and exchanged for other favors or used as form of payment at any time. However some landholders may determine that they either need additional resources or have an abundance that would like to sell for cash. The Resource market is available for this purpose. The Map-keeper keeps the price of resources each week.
Buying/Selling: The Resource Market will accept a resource buy or sell transaction from anyone who holds a marketplace. Each Marketplace will provide 1 transaction per week. Landholders may have multiple Marketplaces and thereby have an equal number of transactions. When a person wishes to buy or sell a resource they must announce to the map-keeper "How Many" and "What Kind" of resource they want to buy or sell. (For example a Landholder might state that he wants to BUY 5 units of STONE). The player must be able to provide the cash or the resources necessary at the time of the transaction; the Resource Market will not take IOU's (failure to meet this obligation will result in the loss of all that transaction for the week). If more than one person wants to BUY/SELL a given resource at the same time the person wanting to exchange the greatest amount of resource is permitted to go first. Resource Prices: Initially all resources are priced at one Talon (which is also the minimum price of a resource). However each resources price will fluctuate based on how much buying and selling occurs. For each unit of resources bought the price will increase by 1 Talon and on the inverse each unit sold will decrease the price by one. This increase/decrease will even occur while a single transaction is processed. The New Current price will be the Price of the last unit bought or sold.
Example: Current price for Stone is 3 Talons. The person from the above example wishes to Buy 5 (which represents a single transaction). The price to purchase the 1st unit of Stone is 3. Then next stone will cost 4, then 5 and so on. So the Buyer will pay 3+4+5+6+7 for a total of 25 Talons for 5 Stone. The price of Stone will now be 7 (the price of the last unit sold) after this Transaction. The next player then comes along and asks to Sell 1 Stone. They will receive 7 Talons and the price of Stone will remain at 7.
A landholder may build buildings on their provinces assuming they have the resources and the appropriate size fortification in that province. Each province may hold 1 building for every 5 Castle Strength. So a province with a 5 Size Castle may hold 1 building, 10 may hold 2 and so on. (NOTE: Buildings need not be removed if a Castle is damaged during an attack.). The costs of the structures are listed in brackets behind the building. Furthermore a landholder may only have one of any type structure per territory. Although multiple buildings may be built in a province there is NO cumulative effect to have more than one of the same structure per province. NOTE: Marketplaces are the exception to this rule. (-Wisp)
Building Destruction: During a battle-game the defender must place ribbons, representing the buildings within their province. Buildings may not be closer than 10' from any other building. Buildings need not be more than a couple of feet across. The teams must announce which ribbons represent which buildings. These must be placed in such a way that they are in plain view. These buildings may not be hidden or sheltered in anyway. They may NOT be placed within a caste. These building may be destroyed by touching the structure for a 300 count or by striking them 10 times with a siege engine. If the attacker breaks contact with the building the count will have to start over. If the building is destroyed during the battle-game the structure is removed from the Amt-risk Map.
Lumber Mill (5T): Province will receive +1 TIMBER each week.
Granary (5T): Province will receive +1 GRAIN each week.
Quarry (4T 2I): Province will receive +1 STONE each week.
Iron Mine (4T 2I): Province will receive +1 IRON each week.
Library (4S 2T): A landholder who owns a library may create artifacts/scrolls by buying 3 spells (versus the normal 4) even if the battle-game takes place in a different province.
This simply represents that the spell caster has access to a quiet place to work. The Library may only be used once per week and it need NOT be used by the Landholder. The landholder may allow his Library to be used by anyone, however the Landholder and the person using the Library must both be present during the battle in which it is used. (i.e. the Battle-game in which the Spell-caster elects to create magic items).
Tavern (10T): Anyone attacking from or defending a land with a Tavern receives double the effect of GRAIN (assuming the player is using a unit of Grain. -Wisp).
Marketplace (10T): A Landholder that owns a marketplace may buy or sell resources. A landholder may make 1 transaction on the resource market for each marketplace they own (See Resource Market). They may allow others to make use of their marketplace based upon any criteria they desire. (-Wisp)
Weapon-smithy (3S 3I): If a player is defending or attacking from a province with a Weapon-smithy the effects of IRON for Weapons is doubled. Simply put each IRON will provide 2 players with extra weapons. The defending player has the choice of getting new weapons at either their base or at the weapon-smithy.
Armor-smithy (3S 3I): If defending or attacking from land that has an Armor-smithy the effects of IRON is doubled. Therefore each point of IRON will buy 2 armor repairs. The defending player may replace their armor either at their base or at the armor-smithy.
Temple (6S): During a Battle-game a Temple may perform unlimited heals with a 50 count for the defending team only. The player must be touching the building to receive the heal.
Engineer Workshop (10T 4S 4I): When attacking/defending from ANY province Siege Engines will require ½ the amount of TIMBER .
Dungeon (5S): A landholder with a dungeon may hold 1 person captive for each dungeon that they have. See the Capture and Imprisonment rules. Dungeons may not be destroyed in battle-games and need not be placed as they are assumed to be beneath the Castle structure. They are destroyed if the castle is ever reduced to a 0 strength. Furthermore the Dungeons will not count against the number of buildings a province may have however the number of dungeons available depends on the size of castle. Manor may only have 1 dungeon; Keep 2, Small Castle 3 and a Large Castle may have 4. Vault (5S): A landholder who holds a Vault is exempt from having his body looted of coins when he is shattered.
A landed attacker may only attack a territory adjacent to one of his own territories or if his territory is on water may (using a ship) attack any other territory on the same body of water. Un-landed attackers may attack ANY province (this is also known as rebellion). Attackers may only make one attack attempt per week (exc. warriors and archers). Once an attack is announced the player MAY NOT change their mind or back down while other announcement of attack are being made.
Mutual Attacks: Any time that 2 attackers are electing to attack one another a mutual attack will occur. Neither team will use Castles or Siege Engines. This will result in a mutual annihilation battle "Traditional Full Classed Battle Game" Attacking a Neutral Territory: Neutrals of course do not have a leader and anyone wishing to come to the defense of a neutral being attacked can do so freely without payment, of course.
Military Costs: Anyone involved in an attack or defense will be required to pay resources and/or cash for their troops. A Team leader who has Allies must pay a resource/cash fee for each person who allies with his team. The cost is One (1) Resource per Ally. A Leader may also pay cash in lieu of resources at a rate equal to the average price of all four resources (fractions rounded down). The payment may be mixed as well. (EXAMPLE: If a person has 10 Allies he will have to pay 10 resources (or if the average resource price is say 3) could pay 30 Talons or any combination thereof. If either the Defender or Attacker is unable or unwilling to provide the resources/cash necessary to "maintain" their allies they must dismiss those allies they can't/don't want to afford. Teams need NOT pay for players they attain thru the Reserve Pool Selection. The winner of the battle will receive the entire resource pool.
Any team defending a province with at least 1 Castle Strength will receive the ability to place a Castle. The Castle will act as the defending teams home base. The maximum Castle size in the Duchy of the Rising Winds is 30. A castle may be placed by using a section of rope (size depends on the size of the castle, see below). The Castle must have at least a single 10' wide opening (representing the castle breach or smashed gate), which must not be placed in an inaccessible location (No castle openings against a lake or cliff). The defender of the castle may fire arrows and cast spells through walls, yet attackers may ONLY fire arrows and cast spells through the castle opening (i.e. the 10' opening). A Castle may only hold as many defenders as its current Castle Strength. So a 5 strength Castle may only have 5 defenders at a time inside. The size of the castle will depend upon is Strength:
Castle Size Castle Class Max Wall (rope) Size
1-5 Manor 40'
5-10 Keep 60'
11-20 Small Castle 80'
20-30 Large Castle 100'
A Castle may not be built larger than a size 30.
Defenders Flag: In the event that one team is defending, the attackers objective will be to take the defenders flag. Only the ATTACKING LEADER may take the defenders flag. The objective will be to get it to the attacking teams base and defend it for a 300 count, during which time the flag must remain within 5' of the attackers home base. ANY DEFENDER may retrieve the flag and return it to the defenders home base in which case the attacking team will have to restart the count once it is again recovered.
Spur of the Moment Battles: If for some reason the scheduled battle-games result in forfeits or surrenders a spur of the moment battle may take place. Assuming that two willing combatants with adjacent regions elect a mutual attack a winner may attain both territories.
Surrenders: There may come times when one side is so completely outnumbered that both leaders conclude that battle would be simply delaying the inevitable. In which case the two team leaders can negotiate a settlement and the battle-game is over without bloodshed (boo!!). Settlements are completely open to negotiations but if either team wishes to push the battle then the battle WILL take place. However based on the concept of Amt-Risk it will not be uncommon for one team or another to be outnumbered in a given week. Any forts involved in conquered land are NOT destroyed in the event of surrender and no resources need be spent in the attack or defense. Except that of resources/wages already paid for Allies or other deals made (hired swords need not return any funds paid by their employer). Part of the negotiation will be to determine who has won; this team leader will receive the Military Cost Pool.
Retreat: At anytime during a battle-game the leader may announce a retreat, players may not retreat until the leader calls for it. When a retreat is announced the team must gather at the base and say aloud "RETREAT" 5 times. The players on the retreating team must flee to a non-game area. Any retreating player will be shattered if they are killed after a retreat is called (no matter how many lives they had). If the team leader is shattered prior to announcing a retreat, players may independently call for a retreat by going to the base and following the same procedure. The retreating team is assumed to have lost the battle, of course. The purpose of a retreat is to provide players an option to leave the battle without loosing items from being shattered (See Spoils of War).
Spoils of War: One reason to fight is in the hope of attaining some booty. When a person is shattered they must turn over all relics carried, any magic items, and one coin of the victors choosing (the largest denomination of course). NOTE: all players MUST carry these items on them; players may NOT give away these items or exchange them during the battle-game. Resources are not considered to be on a person even if they are carrying the resource items, they are NOT considered "booty". NOTE: players must announce that they are shattered when someone kills them. Furthermore the winning team leader will receive the Military Cost Pool and may decide to divide these assets as well.
Loosing: If a defender looses, the region now belongs to the attacker. Any resources committed to the battle are eliminated. Any Castle Strength reduced by Siege Engines in the defending province are noted on the game board, however if any Castle Strength is remaining the Castle will remain active regardless of who now controls the territory. If the looser is the attacker they simply loose all resources committed to the battle. Of course they have also made a new enemy. Any buildings destroyed are removed and any not destroyed now belong to the present holder of that province.
Artificing/Spellcasters: Wizards, Healers and Druids may make scrolls/potions just prior to a battle-games start. Spell-casters may create as many scroll/potion(s) prior to each battle-game as they wish. Spell casters may create scrolls or potions by simply buying 4 of the spells that they would like to make a scroll of. They write on a piece of paper the name of the spell. SO if a Healer wanted to make a Heal scroll they would simply buy 4 Heal spells and then make the scroll. They spell-caster will forgo the ability to cast any of those spells during the game. If the spell is limited to 4 during a battle-game the caster will of course be giving up the ability to cast that spell. Other items that may be produced and charges can be bought as if a scroll were being made. For example a Wizard could make a Wand of Lightning and each battle-game the Wizard can buy 1 "charge" for each 4 Lightning Bolt spells they take. A wizard might spend some weeks creating a wand with say 5 or 6 charges. These items may be used by anyone by simply saying the name of the spell 5 times. The scroll must be torn up, as it may only be used one. A wand or artifact must have a piece of tape, each representing a charge, which once cast is removed. Please note Mass Spells and Spells limited to use by the Specific Spell-caster (i.e. Lich, etc) may not be made into scrolls. HEAL note: Heal spells are free for healers. However for the purposes of artificing they must buy them for 1, therefore a healer must spend 4 points to make a heal item.
Assassins: Hired assassins MAY attack anyone including people on their own team. However in order to kill people on their own team they must have a contract to do so. Once the Assassin kills one of their own teammates the assassin becomes subject to attacks by their own team. Therefore the assassin is the only class able to change teams during the course of the battle-game.
Warriors/Archers: any player who has played a Warrior or Archer in the CURRENT week may announce TWO attack attempts on two separate regions. The player must also play a Warrior or Archer in the week the attack takes place. This is reflective of the strategic/war skills that these classes have.
Bards/Monks: Anyone who has played a Bard or Monk in the current week is immune from an attack from any player (landed or un-landed). However if the Bard/Monk elects to attack, the defender MAY select a counter attack and thus result in a mutual attack. Therefore the Bard/Monk could loose their territory, but only if they are an aggressor. This reflects the general positive influence and passive demeanor that the bard/monk has on the local populace.
Scouts/Barbarians: due to the ability to track down people the Scout/Barbarian is the only class able to issue an attack on an un-landed player. A player who has played a scout in the current week may announce an attack on an un-landed player. The player must ALSO play a scout during the week of the attack. The un-landed player may elect the region for the battle to take place. If the un-landed player looses they loose all resources that they currently have to the attacking force. Scouts and Barbarians may also issue attacks on lands that are separated by another territory. Therefore they may skip a territory to attack someone 2 "spaces" away. Such attacks may only be "counter attacked" by another scout or barbarian. Attacks that skip a territory may not take advantage of any buildings that the attacker might normally have.
Becoming Un-landed or Landed: If someone looses all of their territories they become un-landed and must turn over any remaining resources that they had to the victor. They will however retain any cash that they have accumulated. They may of course continue playing in future battle-games as an un-landed person in the hopes to extract revenge or even earn lands once again. A person may attain lands by making deals, outright land purchase or attacking. Remember the name of the game is total conquest however this may take many weeks or months or even years to accomplish. NOTE: Being un-landed does not mean a player has lost. Some people may elect to remain un-landed to avoid the politics and intrigues that are very likely to occur in the week preceding the battle-game.
Monster Held Regions: On occasions, monsters may invade the land, and when they do they will be able to initiate any attack on any of the provinces that border the wilds (i.e. the border of the playing area). Determined randomly. Monsters can be played by anyone wanting to play monsters and their attacks must be done with the permission of the Mapkeeper. Monsters do not need an elected leader each week anyone wanting to play a monster may get permission and initiate an attack. Any such attack will be a random territory bordering a monster held province. Only one attack may be issued by the monsters per week regardless of how many provinces they have. Normal team selection is still done with "picked" players becoming monsters. For the purposes of keeping monster teams from becoming too overwhelming, the Q/M may not be exceeded. If the Q/M ratio is exceeded then monsters will either have to change to one with a lower Q/M or be removed from the Monster Team.
Unaligned Players: Some players may elect to neither side with a team nor join in the player pool. These individuals are considered neutral and may operate in the game as an independent entity. Either selling their services for particular tasks of one team or another or they may simply decide to view the battle and only intervene when it suits them. However Neutral players may not get within 50' of any teams home base or other building nor may they perform a function within a battle-game that directly aids a team in victory. IE they may not take or hold victory flags, any relics that are required for battlegame victory, captives, etc. Unaligned players may NOT loot bodies or take relics from other killed players. Unaligned players are discouraged as they inhibit battle-games. Absenteeism: If a landholder is absent they will not receive resources. Furthermore if involved with an attack or defense the leader must find someone to lead their team, if they do not make such arrangements they are assumed to loose automatically.
Capture and Imprisonment: In the course of the Battle-game a Leader may become subdued and captured. ONLY landholders that where involved in the current battle-game (i.e. the leaders) may be captured. If the Capturer has a Dungeon he may hold the Captive for a ransom after the battle-game is over. The maximum ransom that can be demanded is 1 Talon for each Level (the level the person played in the Battle-game in which they were captured) PLUS 1 Talon for each Province they own. If the Captive is unable or unwilling to pay the ransom they will remain IMPRISONED and unable to issue attacks or use any of their Amt-Risk class abilities (see above). They may still collect resources and defend their lands (landholders have trusty constables in their manors). When a person is imprisoned the Jailor must announce which dungeon (assuming they have more than one) the Captive is held in. Other landholders may issue attacks on such a province and during the battle-game the captive is placed at the Jailors base. The captive may be rescued if the attacker is able to touch the captive the attacker NEED NOT win the battlegame for the rescue to be successful. If the Captive is not present on the day of the attack, they may still be rescued IF the attacker takes the province.
Taxation: The Monarch may at any time levy a tax for any reason and in any amount. The Monarch may also exempt anyone from this tax as they see fit.
Barony Seat: upon coronation the monarch will immediately assume control of the Baronial Seat (a single highly productive territory). Anyone who was in control of this region is automatically evicted. NOTE it is still advantageous to hold the Baronial Seat for even a short time as it is HIGHLY productive. Note: Upon achieving the Monarchy, the incoming player must distribute his former land holdings to other players. He may distribute these lands in any manner he chooses. He may later decide to take control of other lands under the guidelines of the Offensive Limitations below. The outgoing Monarch retains all money earned during his reign. (-Wisp)
Offensive Limitation: a monarch may NOT issue an attack on ANY player without provocation. Provocation is considered the announcement of attack (by a player) on any of the monarch's personal lands (this will not include guilds, orders, households that the monarch might belong to) or Refusal to pay a Tax. Once a person has provoked the monarch the monarch may issue attacks on that persons lands for the duration of his current term. Keep in mind this only counts for the Landholder who announces an attack. It does not include people who fight on the side of that person/group. In other words you may participate as a combatant against the monarch without fear of reprisals. In the event the provocation was for a refusal to pay tax, the Monarch must withdrawal his attack with the prompt payment of the tax. This rule also doesn't prohibit the monarch (player) from participating in any battle-game or for that matter providing resources to his allies. It simply prohibits the monarch from issuing attacks from his own provinces prior to being provoked. Un-landed attackers, who have no lands, of course are free from the monarch's wrath.