
From AmtWiki
Founded 2018
Status Active
Kingdoms Active In Polaris


Biography of Group

Formed after Curse 2018 by McNikles and Shimazu after a conversation about companies and their expectations on them. Seeing that they had similar interest they decided to start there own. The name and symbol have small ties to Shimazu's weebism, but only truly came together after McNikles awesome works of art. Currently there are five members of Espada spanning between the Kingdoms of Polaris and Rivermoor.

Affiliated Groups

GGA/Good Game Academy


Notable Accomplishments

  • Helped GGA win the first Sapphire Phoenix League Cup for Polaris.

Additional Images

More Information

Colors and Goal

  • Primary Colors-Black and Gold (Generally our main two colors for tunics, belt favors, and the like.)
  • Adjacent Color-White (Generally for trim or “alternate” colors when used in conjunction with the above colors)
  • Goal-To improve as individuals and as a group in the areas of fighting and battle-gaming.

Company Rules

  • Single company membership in Amtgard, outside of Amtgard (such as Bel/Dag) members may have separate membership not affiliated with Espada.
  • Decisions on all company business will be made by the co-captains, however heavy consideration will be given to all member opinions, including petitioners.
  • Full members may sponsor up to two petitioners for the company, who will come up to a vote by full members at events. A 100% approval rating must be reached for a petitioner to be considered a full member.
  • A member may take a petitioner at any time so long as they have less than 2.
  • A member may only be removed from the company by one of the following
    • Voluntarily leaving the company.
    • A company vote with at least 80% approval and the agreement of at least one of the two co-captains.
    • The agreement of both co-captains to remove said member.
  • A petitioner may be removed from the company by one of the following:
    • Their sponsor member dropping them as a petitioner.
    • A company vote with at least 50% approval and the agreement of at least one of the two co-captains.
    • The agreement of both co-captains to remove said petitioner.
  • Members are expected to contribute to the company in some way, whether it be teaching, crafting, or service to the game. While the company does not expect a member to devote their mundane time to the game and company, it is expected the member be working on bettering themselves in some way. (Remember, real life comes first.)

Company Structures

  • Co-captains-Leaders who make decisions for the company as the final say.
  • Members-Full Members with voting rights on Petitioners
  • Petitioners-People trying out for the Company
  • Outsiders-Non Members