
From AmtWiki
Revision as of 20:37, 28 May 2018 by Wynter (talk | contribs) (Format changes, information updating. added titles, added belted tree.)
"The Amtgarder formerly known as Wynter"
Winter assassin.jpg
Chapter Crimson Circle
Kingdom Polaris
Started 2012
Belted Status Paged to Lucius Weezicus
Contact Information

Email: JoshuaNelson713@gmail.com</
Anonymous Feedback: https://wyntersnow117.sarahah.com/


"The Amtgarder formerly known as Wynter", Lord of Crimson Circle

-Wynter, Baal of Snow
Brother round-one
House of the Fallen
The Broken
Taker of Pictures
The not-yet-Wizened Wizard
Shogun of the Four Winds
Last Magus commander of Dark Tower (no longer affiliated)
Last Guildmaster of Healers
ex-Guildmaster of Assassins


Wynter was recruited to Amtgard by Huggibaehr the Evil (the Mad) at one of their LGS (Local Gaming Store). During Polaris' Good Year Push he attended each event, and became more involved with photography.

Affiliated Groups

House of the Fallen
The Church of Steeeeeve
Church of the Apocalypse

Notable Accomplishments


Offices Held

Shire Champion of Crimson Circle (dates?)
Shire Regent of Crimson Circle (dates?)

Belted Family
