State of Amtgard Report
The State of Amtgard report is an annual survey of every chapter in the game. It asks groups questions about group health, numbers, games, recruitment, and more. All active chapters are asked to fill it out, usually in March or April. Chapters which have gone inactive over the past year are also asked to complete a slightly different survey.
The information from these surveys is used to prepare a report to the Circle of Monarchs at Clan. This report highlights challenges groups are facing, strategies they are using, and the value of quantitative data. The information is also used to update the amtwiki and ORK.
The State of Amtgard Report was started in 2008 by Linden, who ran it until 2011. The project was taken over by Tyedye in 2013. (The dates get a little funky under Tyedye. The data is collected for and over the year previous to the report being given. Thus, the 2015 report primarily focuses on events for 2014)