Aiden O'Shaughnessy
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Man at Arms Aiden "McDanger" O'Shaughnessy, of Mists of the Dawn, Rising Winds
""If someone's going to be injured, I prefer it be me""
Began playing at Mists of the Dawn, where he served two terms in office and relocated to the Shire of Dark Shores for a time, before returning to Mists. He known for his frequent entries into local A&S competitions, but unfortunately, he is also remembered for the troubled reigns he had as monarch in both Mists of the Dawn and the Principality of Olympus.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
- Sir Michael Hammer of God (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent)
- Sir Fnord(Crown)(Sword) (Flame)
- Sir Morgan Ironwolf(Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf(Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Zachry Ironwolf (Serpent)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf(Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Morgan Ironwolf(Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Fnord(Crown)(Sword) (Flame)
For the unabridged Beltline please see this page.
Notable Accomplishments
- Mists of the Dawn, Sheriff
- Champion, Darkshores
- Prince of Olympus, 2/2010-8/2010.
- Baron of Mists of the Dawn - 5/2012-11/2012