Brotherhood of Assassins

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Brotherhood of Assassins

A Clan of Phoenix Rise

Alignment: Chaotic Good Color: Black Symbol: A dragon breaking out of its prison

“A hundred years cannot repair a moment’s loss of honor…”

Description: The Brotherhood of Assassins encourages the skillful and martial growth of our fighters during group combat. We pride ourselves in the honor vowed to during battle, and will ensure that all people refrain from disreputable tactics and behavior. In short, we are on the lookout for murderers, crooks, and thieves. The goal of the Brotherhood of Assassins is to eliminate threats to a just and skillful battle. If a member catches you being deceitful, stealing, or in any way dishonest, they will call you out and mark you for death. You will be our first target every time you come alive. Overall, you can't learn to fight better by sneaking around stabbing people in the back. There will always be a powerful class or monster on the field. There is always an honorable way to stop them.

(RP) The primary mission of the BOA is to bring justice to Phoenix Rise. As corruption feathers throughout the Rise, the BOA will swiftly target and assassinate those who backstab and oppress the innocent of our Kingdom. We look evil in the eyes when we strike. As the Rise grows overrun with the undead and orcs, we vow to cleanse our homeland of these foul, destructive creatures. Those acting in an unsavory way will be judged for the crimes they have committed. Death is the only outcome if you are found guilty. The Brotherhood of Assassins will be watching.

History: Little is known about the origins of the Brotherhood of Assassins. Many have believed their existence to be purely mythical, and tales of their exploits nothing more than stories to frighten misbehaving children. It was only after a after a perilous journey of self-discovery and insight that a man found himself upon their shores. It was here that Vegor the Unholy Punisher was born. The following blurred excerpts are the scavenged records from the journey:

“After weeks of being adrift on a small skiff… after burning my ship at sea… I finally wash ashore on some unknown island. I fall out of the skiff and lay in the sand, the waves licking my feet as I enjoy the feel of solid ground beneath me…”

“… two large men are dragging me along by my arms. They are talking, but I don't catch much of what they are saying. I recall hazy conversation, "he thinks he's the one… punishment for the wicked will come swiftly now.” I am thrown in a small room where two young ladies have brought water and food. They never say anything or make a sound, but they show up every couple hours and disappear just as mysteriously...”

“… a man wearing a skeleton mask and black clothing. He introduced himself and made me swear on my life to never repeat his name outside of the compound. He told me that the gods have sent me to them… to help strike down those who wish to corrupt the world and cheat the hard working people. To "punish" those who would do harm to the planet and animals, to the women and children, to the helpless…”

“…They train me in new ways of fighting. How to use poisons and disappear from sight. They teach me new skills and techniques. The rest will come in time. They give me weapons, the blessings of the master, and with a new name, I am sent on my way into the world. I am now the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. I seek out those causing injustice among the world. To recruit those who are willing to fight and die for the cause. I am Vegor the Unholy Punisher…”

Those who wish to join "The Brotherhood of Assassins" can seek us out and request to be Judged worthy.