Kaytana Raventhorne
From AmtWiki
Kaytana Raventhorne, of Mistyvale, Westmarch
”May your anchor be tight, your cork be loose, your rum be spiced, and your compass true.”
Born a slave aboard the merchant ship Dorogaya, Kaytana was thrown overboard after 23 years by her wretched owner, the Dread Pirate Williams, like an empty bottle of rum. Washed up on the shores of La Isla de Muerta, she vowed that day to never again be slave to anyone. She became the bloodthirsty captain of the Siren's Scream, and with her cutthroat crew of marauders and masqueraders, she sails the oceans, pillaging and plundering gold and hearts alike.
Den of Valor
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Kaytana's ORK [1]
Kaytana's Facebook [2]