
From AmtWiki

Domina, Sid Minerva Servum, of Suns Haven, Kingdom of Dragonspine

Chapter High Oasis
Kingdom Dragonspine
Started 2010
Noble Title Lady-Given by Prince Sir Euric Bloodstone-

(Taken as Domina to work with Sid's Persona.)

Belted Under
Contact Information
E-Mail [email protected]
Phone n/a

"Teaching is a priceless gift that should be given freely, and as often as possible"- Sid "Amtgard so hard you got Bronchitis" - Niveus

"If you run a pole, expect to get hit like a man, suck it up or get off the field"- Sid




Started in 2010 in the backyard of a friends hitting each other with couch cushion wrapped bamboo. Once out to the park at Thor's Refuge she was hooked. Sid promotes A&S but also pushes hard for her fellow park members to be involved in the fitness side of the game just as much as the fun and social side. When she's not dragging other members into the ditch line to fight with her and exercise she's usually talking with some of our heftier members about how their activity has gone for the week and encouraging them to do more at home. She has also been influential in getting players to join and join the amtgardersforfitness group on the site. The goal of this was to get more motivation to work out and get in better shape.

In the past year she has started to craft things and become more socially involved with the club. Her sewing skills have greatly improved and she has started to experiment with leather working as well. Sid left the Duchy of Thor's Refuge in July 2012 for browner pastures in Arizona and now resides within High Oasis as part of the Kingdom of Dragonspine.

Sid's personal goals are to constantly push herself to improve, and encourage others to improve alongside her. Promoting fitness and Art's and Sciences are two of her favorite activities within the game. She will also do anything but hook for charity.

After all is said and done, Sid has elevated Amtgard in so many ways since joining Thor's Refuge. A true inspiration...from her wire framed glasses to her blue toenails.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Managing to stay relatively un-sober for the entirety of Clan XXIX (2011).
  • Lost her pants the last night of FoM V11-Subsequently the four horsemen will not be attempted again.



Additional Images


Scarab, Selve, and Sid (Say that three times fast!) on the far right, last week at TR.

More Information

Sid makes stuff Photobucket

