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Revision as of 23:41, 29 October 2014 by Crispin (talk | contribs) (Recording of Banning From Winters Edge)

Drelge Dreadsong, of Hawk's Point under Winter's Edge NW

I Baronet H.B. Puddin', Prince of Winters Edge with the approval of Prime Minister Pahyum as per the Winters Edge Corpora and Rules of Play hereby ban John Bishop (aka, Drelge) from all Winters Edge Events, Provinces, and functions indefinitely. This is due to his theft and willful destruction of other people's property which is a direct violation of the Amtgard Code of Conduct (RoP pg4) and mundane law. This ban will be lifted in nine months time after the following conditions have been met: 1) The banned will submit a four part public apology to the people of Winters Edge. To fulfill this criteria the apology must be deemed sufficient by the current sitting Monarch and Prime Minister. 2) The banned will donate two arrows to the people of Winters Edge to replace the two arrows that were stolen/destroyed. This will be submitted to the current sitting Monarch and Prime Minister for approval. The monarchy will then distribute them as appropriate at the next Winters Edge Event. Baronet H.B. Puddin' Prince of Winters Edge

”God damn it, John...”


John Bishop, also known as Drelge Dreadsong (Or simply put Drelge),started Amtgard late July 2010. He played with a similar LARP known as the Medieval Battle Association and then went to play Amtgard to expand his horizon.

Affiliated Groups


Belted Family


Notable Accomplishments

He reorganized Hawk's Point when it seemed to died out, started a bank account for Hawk's Point, and made an ass of himself on E-sam.


  • Chancellor of Hawk's Point - January 2011 - July 2011
  • Chancellor of Hawk's Point - July 2011 - ??
