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Revision as of 04:54, 30 September 2013 by Elder (talk | contribs) (→Countess Aylin Karyn of Bright_Forge seeking sponsorship from the Emerald Hills.)
Countess Aylin Karyn of Bright_Forge, Emerald Hills.
Introduced to the game at Spring War 2005 by Kat Bloodrayne and Ella Hervie.
Notable belly dancer, fire spinner, and photographer in the Emerald Hills.
Belted Line
- Dame Tanara StormCaller
- Squire Aylin (June, 2008)
- Countess - Given by Cwene Dame Faunna Demonspawn, EH, September 2009
- Lady - Given by Grand Inquisitor (King) Sutra Bahuas, February 2007
Notable Accomplishments
- Dragonmaster XXXI (September 2012)
- Regent of The Emerald Hills Dec 2008-June 2009
- First Lady of Dame Tanara StormCaller of the Ironwolf Court, Emerald Hills Endreign XL (June 2008).
- Baron of Eagleshire in the Emerald Hills June-December 2006.
- Prime Minister of The Emerald Hills September 2013-March 2014
Additional Images