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Revision as of 22:11, 28 August 2012 by (talk) (→Squire Aylin of Eagleshire, Emerald Hills)
Countess Aylin Karyn of Eagleshire, Emerald Hills
Introduced to the game at Spring War 2005 by Kat Bloodrayne and Ella Hervie.
Notable belly dancer, fire spinner, and photographer for the kingdom.
Belted Line
- Dame Tanara StormCaller
- Squire Aylin (June, 2008)
Countess - Given by Cwene Dame Faunna Demonspawn, EH, September 2009 Lady - Given by Grand Inquisitor (King) Sutra Bahuas, February 2007
Notable Accomplishments
- First Lady of Dame Tanara StormCaller of the Ironwolf Court, Emerald Hills Endreign XL (June 2008).
- Baron of Eagleshire in the Emerald Hills June-December 2006.
- Regent of Emerald Hills Dec 2008-June 2009