Anomaly Stratic

From AmtWiki

Anomaly Stratic "Cow God", of Mechia, Winters Edge, NW


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Was born in the Temple of the Cow in a far away grazing land. One day raiders came and destroyed the temple and killed almost everyone. Fearing for his life, Anomaly ran and finally found cover in a nearby cave. That night the Great Cow visited his dreams and showed him where to start the next temple. This land ended up being Mechia.

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

  • Possessed by THE COW God
  • Founder of Mechia
  • Sheriff of Mechia from September 2010 to June 2011
  • Chancellor Mechia from June 2011 - December 2011
  • Shire Champ Mechia from June 2011 - December 2011