Baronet Squire Sttar Reddawn Smokestuff

From AmtWiki

we The Savage Highlands Have an upcoming event. We will be having our Coronation on May 23rd. On May 11th we will be hosting our Crown Calls Tournament.

Please add upcoming events to the Upcoming Events page. Thanks! --Linden 22:48, 10 May 2008 (EDT)


To check out current Events and/ or get a hold of us: We now have a yahoo groups page link ---> [1]

Welcoming all to these pages

Hello everyone I would like to welcome you. For you have stumbled upon this page of Sttar...

I currently reside in Ruidoso NM and am Chancellor of the Shire of the Savage Highlands. My persona history is too long to start typing it now but someday I may have it upon this page... It continues to grow as in Amtgard we all do.. My husband is Baronet Harkilar Reddawn DuClaw & is who started this Shire with a few of his friends, those old school photos can be found on my facebook page under Amtgard, the photos are in chronological order.