Samael McNikle

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Samael McNikle
Better pic coming soon
Home Park Lands End
Kingdom Iron Mountains
Year Started 2010
Noble Title None
Belt Status None

Samael McNikle, the Troll of Lands End, Under Rivermoor, Iron Mountains

”Well... balls.”

"This forest is old... old as balls!"

"I am McNikles, this is Lands End, Here I am the man, to my will you shall bend!" -McNikle's bard charm.


McNikle was introduced to the game by Val in 2010.

  • McNikles is the spooniest.

Character Biography

Samael was born the son of a wandering gypsy woman, whos name has been long forgotten by her son. The child was brought into the world in a gypsy caravan, wandering all over the many kingdoms. When Samael was but two years old his mothers caravan was raided by bandits. Samael's mother begged and pleaded for the men to let her child live, "Please, let Samael live! The McNikle name must carry on!" The bandits slew his mother, however they kept the boy to be sold as a slave as he grew. All did not go according to the bandits plans however, at the age of five the bandits hideout had been overrun by Lands End heroes. A kindly old priest who had been apart of the group took pity upon the boy, and took him as his own son. The priest had asked the boys name, "These men called me nothing but Boy, but once I overheard them talking about how they found me, and my real name." the boy answered. "What was your name before these men captured you?" the priest had asked. "They said I was once called Samael. Samael McNikle." The priest smiled upon the boy, "Then that is what you shall be known as in your new home." From that day on McNikle had been raised in Lands End, making many friends, and becoming a great fighter, an entertainer among his friends, and protector of his new home. He admires the nobles of his kingdom, and wishes to join them in their ranks one day, bringing honor to his once lost family name.

Affiliated Groups

Einherjar - petitioner

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Sheriff of Lands End (October 2011 - March 2012)

Additional Images

McNikle alternate attire

The Showdown: Goomba vs McNikle

More Information

  • Facebook[1]
  • Company Website