Obsidian Hills
a shire of the Rising Winds, located in Cincinnati, OH, just north of the University of Cincinnati.
Obsidian Hills is a Barony of the Rising Winds.
Contacts and Directions
If you're ever in town, and want to come on by, feel free to contact Obie at obielando (at) gmail (dot) com
We meet on Sundays, in Southern Burnet Woods Park. From heading East on Martin Luther King Dr, go past Clifton, and turn left on Brookline Dr (first street past the light, accross from the University). Park along the side of the street. You should see us on the right side, up near the large circle of stones (Stonehenge), or on the left side, in the flat area (mostly during the winter). We start around 1:00 PM. We pick teams for our first battlegame/scenario promptly at 1:30 PM. If you have questions, check out our Yahoo! group, or contact Obie, Ragnar or Ganymede.
Viva Amtgard! Yahoo Group