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Character Name: Heißrute (Regent)
Kingdom: Serpent's Hollow
Class: Scout
Current Points: 19(Lv: 2)
Used Weapons: Short Bow, 2 Long Swords, Throwing Knives
Used Shields: Small Buckler
Used Armor: None

Born in Sommerau, Germany in 1547, I grew up in a low-class society with only my grandpa to take care of me, mother died shortly after birth and father was never seen after she got pregnant. I grew up practicing to be an archer for the Deutsches Heer, Germany's widely known army, and loved archery with a passion. When I was 15, my grandpa died from unknown reasons. Going off to the Großer Arber mountains afterwards, I decided to stick to myself and not associate with the rest of Germany. Being up in the mountains, I excelled at my archery skills, practicing every day on nearby trees and gathering food from animals that I shot. After becoming 23, I vowed to set off to the world and scour the lands, searching for the purpose of life that I was brought here to serve.