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Revision as of 05:30, 7 February 2011 by Sid (talk | contribs)

Sid, of Thor's Refuge,Westmarch,Dragonspine

”No more High Crossing for you!”



Started coming to the park in May 2010 at the behest of a friend and stayed for the good company and exercise. Sid's been gung-ho about swinging foam ever since. Sid loves to learn how to defend and fight with the pro's, even if it means being a punching bag for a few practices. Very vulnerable to stomps and other scare tactics. Loves garbing and making weapons.

Affiliated Groups

Lady of House Clack Clack Team-V-I.C.

Head Gimp Saucius Domum

Belted Family


Notable Accomplishments

None yet!

Additional Images

More Information

In progress