Ascolis Wyldfire
Baron Defender Ascolis Wyldfire , Barony of Shadowkeep , Kingdom of the Wetlands Master Scout Defender
Wetlands B.A.M.F
8 time Shadowkeep park officer holding every office at one time or another.
Notable quotes "This is an honor sport if you can't call your shots you don't belong here."
"Its ok he signed a waiver"
Ascolis was A founding member of House of Hawk before joining the Crimson Scales , then joining the White Tigers before Founding Misfit Company. Ascolis was Kingdom Champion during the Wetlands anniversery Reign. After several years of Leading Misfit Company Ascolis left to eventually to go on his own. As of recently has joined Dragonstorm. Most known for Playing E.P.E and scout. Once commited mass genecide against Barbarians from his Post of Duke of Shadowkeep became known as Ascolis the Terrible. Once tackled and choked out a meth head who stabbed Greasy, Sir. Daxon and Cut Sir. Drake at Marguls Jones country Mid Reign. Winner of mulitple Tournaments , Weaponmaster Choke Artist.
Affiliated Groups
House Hawk House Hitman House Wetlands Pride Dragonstorm !
Belted Family
Man At Arms to Sir. Redhawk Longwing
Ascolis' Man at arms- Trade Pages- Zander and Piggy
Notable Accomplishments
Baron Defender Master Scout Legend Of Shadowkeep
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2
More Information
Jerry is also an owner of his own Tattoo shop Pretty in Ink Tattoo Company
- Personal Website
- Company Website