Raziel Strauss

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Raziel Strauss (Raze), of Autumn Grove a Barony of Rising Winds

"These people are not you're friends."

"Your life is a lie!"



Brought to the Autumn Grove by a few friends that told him of wonders that awaited him. Liking the idea he took off watching only the first day there before bringing another with him. The two would soon bring a third....

Character Stats

Name: Raziel V. Strauss

Age: 19

Race: 3rd generation Tiefling

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 6" ish

Weight: 175

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Various on mood, regularly green.

Profession: Assassin, Blade smith

Hobbies: Crafting, writing, and tactics.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Religion: Reverse Faith

Likes: Fine women and wine, getting a kill

Dislikes: Drama, cowards, anything cheap.

Character History

Raziel or Raze, as he goes by, is descended from a Tiefling, but as everyone knows with time comes dilution to the blood line. After his mother passed her blood to him he didn't even look like one of demon descent. But there is something that brews inside of him that is only unleashed in battle.

His becoming an Assassin was nothing shy of luck. Out walking one day while he was around ten he stumbled upon a man fleeing from someone as he watched this man be chased down, and be killed something told him to take this man on. Rushing towards the man (who had been dressed in white) Raze had been halted by person appearing in front of him. Being subdued he was taken to hideout of these two people, as well as their friends. For days he heard them speak of what to do with him, either to kill him or release him. After 6 long grueling days a female entered into the room he had been held in. Holding out her hand to him she smiled slightly. Not sure what to do Raziel took her hand, before being blind folded and led to for what seemed like hours. At last they stopped in a room, chanting he could hear as he was led up a few stairs stumbling as this woman pulled him along. Removing the blind fold she stood him by an altar where the fist man he had seen days ago stood.

"Brothers, and sisters." He began. "This youngling saw myself carryout one of our many contracts. Under our rules...he should be eliminated." The crowd nodded here and there. "However! After seeing first hand that he was ready to engage me without a second though I have come to this conclusion. He will be trained in our arts....our way of life shall be his own."

The Assassin crowd before them looked on in slight awe as they watched what was happening. "Maria, you will show and guide him through his training, but remember he is not of our blood and may not be able to things everything as we do."

The girl that had lead him from the room bowed. "As you wish Maestro. He will learn to kill, and to be one with the crowd." Ushering Raziel forward she held out his hand, she began tying a black cord around his left ring finger. "The old ways are no longer, so a sacrifice is not needed."

For the next nine years he would be trained in the Assassin arts.

Eventually getting wind of a place not too far from where he lived, that was rumored to have many prizes, and glorious battles he set off to find this place. Eventually he ended up in Autumn Grove a land of just about everything he had heard. After crafting his twin blades, the Malevelance (red tape), and Lucedio (purple Tape) he began immersing himself in the battles that are waged there. He has plans to open up his own order strictly for his Assassin brothers, and sisters.

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