The Minions

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Originally called Sev's Minions, They have broken away from their former master, and no roam the land as Free-Ranged Minions.


The formation of the Minions occurred shortly after Salt Wars II, when Genitch and Jeriah had complained to Sev that both themselves, as well as Canthor, should have been defending the castle with Sev, as they were practically 'his minions.'

Canthor still rightly maintains that he was thrown under the bus in this act, but aside from the occasional grumbling, doesn't seem to mind.

Under the tutelage of Master Sev Sunfury, as well as additional training by both Masters Daenen Trelmayn and Tuck Shenanju, the Minions quickly became the premiere warriors in the then-Principality of the Desert Winds.

The Minions, under direction of their dark master Sev, served pivotal roles in historic Desert Winds battles. Rightly feared through the Desert Winds as a force of unstoppable evil, they were challenged by many forces of the Light.

When their master Sev was forced to move, he tried to hand control of the Minions over to his page Tuck. The Minions refused, and became Free-Ranged Minions, until Squire Tess Weasley claimed them as her own. The Minions were then known as Tess' Minions until she too moved away, and they were once again Free-Ranged Minions.

With the later return of their original master, the Minions were once again under the sway of Sev. This, however, turned out to be short lived, as their time spent free had given them minds of their own. Genitch, Head Minion, broke away from Sev's control, followed shortly by Jeriah who was kicked from his master's side. Upon seeing his companions both defect and expelled from his side, Canthor then left their master, and together they became The Minions.
