Cat Senski

From AmtWiki

Cat, AKA Zatharus, of Kaembryge, Celestial Kingdom




Previously a non-entity, due to being a commoner in the fallout of the Borderlands(EH) that sorta tried to reform under Emerald Woods. When that lost all cohessiveness, Cat went to Kalladen via a rift with some funky armor and not much garb. Now, Cat has returned to the region of his birth after a conscription in the Aquillan Imperial Auxillaries. Also, he's such a narcissistic twit that he edited his own page, noting that there was a page that actually had his old AmtName listed on it.

Affiliated Groups

Astral Winds where the AIA sent him. Apparently House Lionesse, though far less active in that these days.

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website