Jin Moonskar
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Revision as of 05:32, 8 September 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '==Squire Jin Moonskar, of Knoblands, Tal Dagore== http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs246.snc4/39660_1397616333042_1011254883_30938911_2707493_n.jpg ”We…')
Squire Jin Moonskar, of Knoblands, Tal Dagore
”Welcome to the DAAAARKSIDE!”
Jin is one badass mofo. Not only is he pretty enough to take your girlfriend, he's stickjock enough to make you look like a punk afterwards. He will then likely twist a blunt and crack a 40. He currently play in the Knoblands and is the first ever champion of the Kingdom of Tal Dagore
Affiliated Groups
House SI (Sol Invictus auxiliary)
House of Heaven
Chieftain of house Wolfrider
Belted Family
Jin is Squire to Sir Kaede of BL
Notable Accomplishments
First Champion of the Kingdom of Tal Dagore
He's a bad ass Quick too
He's also a pretty dope b-boy
Additional Images
Wyldecatt's Knighting guard