From AmtWiki
formerly of RW located in Danville, Illinois
Founding Date/First official meeting: August 21,2003 (BLBOD signed our contract July 30, 2003)
Hyborea left the Rising Winds due lack of Kingdom support. Hyborea worked closely with the local Dagorhir Realm of Middle~Earth and shared many members. The two groups assisted each other yet ran separate fields on different days. "Played a mixture of Dag and Amt. Didn't want to just play Amt."-Soldan
Last known to be active 2007-03-03, but lists officers as late as December 2007.
Directions and Contacts
We meet on Mondays (Warcraft) & Wednesdays (A&S) from 4:00 to 8:00 at 316 N. Alexander, in Danville, Illinois.
Records: Gheldar (217) 443-3945