Alby Kazan
Lord Alby Kzan, of the Shire of Five Banners, of the Emerald Hills
”Don't go to STAGE TWO!!!
Alby fending off two shieldmen-- Rage and Zero. Five Banners, 2008.
Me are barbarian. I am the pillager of the nashuns and ravager of the untestified. Son of the Gartak the gloris. I grew up in land many do not speak of due to harsh nature of the demons that live there. many wars have been fought and one bymy sword. The war of the the toncantis where i sleyed 203 men by my own blade is where I first found greatess there soon after at the war of the tree I led my own army and destroyed the evil which of demon empire. Her guts spillede and blood poored like floeing water. Not long after that my wife and 17 kids were slain by her sister a demon witch .I sought vengance which led me here.
Affiliated Groups
Member of the Shire of Five Banners in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Primus Pilus of Legio VIIII Hispania, a fighting company based upon Roman legionary tactics of the early- to mid- Imperial Era.
Member of the Brotherhood of Steel
Squired to Sir Forest Evergreen
Notable Accomplishments
War Chief of the Freehold of Five Banners, 2008 Sheriff of the Shire of Five Banners, December 09 to current Sheriff of Dreadmoor December 09 to Current