House Crane

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House Crane

House Crane is a familial "Noble" house that chiefly operates out of MELEE and Amtgard to a lesser extent. The house prides itself on excellence in all parts of the game, from fighting and crafting to politics.

Getting in

Getting into House Crane can be difficult. There are several entrance criteria, including fighting prowess, reputation, and basically how much we like you. Several members have been turned away not yet been confirmed because they are notorious cheaters that we do not want associated with our group. They may be in very good standing with the house and it's members, but we will not allow the image to be sullied. The most important entrance criteria is you must pass a more than majority vote of standing members of the house. All other criteria can be sloughed if a member simply calls for a vote and we choose to disregard a persons actions. The voting scheme is as follows: 2/2 votes required for 3rd entry, 2/3 votes required for 4th entry, 3/4 votes for 5th entry, 4/5 votes for 6th entry... and so on.

House Crane (MELEE)

House Crane was founded by Zero Crane and Alucard Crane (now Alexandros Crane) in the early 2000's. All members of House Crane have been awarded Lordship for service to the group, including holding all three chancellery positions. The three active members of the family are widely regarded as three of the best fighters to walk the melee fields.

House Crane at Melee's Fall Gathering 2007

Zero (Left), Alex (Middle), Baleon (Right)

House Crane (Amtgard)

In June, 2010, House Crane became actively involved in Amtgard.


Celebrity Members
  • Captain Stabin'
  • Kelsy Grammer
  • David Hyde Pierce
  • Edward Norton
Members that have been nominated and not yet confirmed
  • Matt Gibson
  • Dalton
  • Lance Almekia
  • Fentonius
  • Aaron Kylch
  • Thelia
  • The Stork