
From AmtWiki


Sathallarin has played at several Amtgard locations including parks in Western Gate/Tal Dagore and the Emerald Hills but currently plays in Drifting Winds.

Sathallarin is a leather worker, steel worker and produces exceptional pieces of leather armor and other goods including steel armor.

Affiliated Groups

Wardancers; Formed the Elven fighting company the Mithral Host which was disbanned in 2005.

Notable Accomplishments

Sathallarin's Apology

Taken from the Emerald Hills List-re-posted:

"I am writing this apology to right a wrong that I committed while in your kingdom. It has been several years since my crime against the people of the Emerald Hills took place, and although many of you have even forgotten all about it or were not in the kingdom at the time, I feel that it is the right thing to do none the less. Many years before I migrated to the Emerald Hills, I received a knighthood from someone who did not have the authority to issue it. I believed it to be valid, and therefore saw no reason to question the award. The particulars of the award, its presentation, and my lack of inquisition into the matter are of no importance in this instance. What has bearing is this: for reasons I believed to be valid, I presented myself, not loudly mind you, as a Paladin upon the field of Emerald Hills. I had played Paladin many times before, at various events and in my home park, and had never received a reason to question the award I had been given, fraudulent though it was. When I returned from Banner Wars, I received news of a personal nature, which I do not feel necessary to discuss. This news made me realize that I had placed a game over one of the most important of all mundane issues, and I knew that I had failed those involved, costing my family the ultimate price. It was during this time that it was discovered that my title was not valid, and despite flaming emails and many threats of physical violence against my person, the Circle of Knights attempted to reach an agreeable solution. Although I feel that it could have been handled in a more suitable manner, due to the nature of many of the threats and the personal loss I had just suffered, I felt it was easier to just bow out in what I had hoped was a graceful manner, and to just leave Amtgard. Many years have passed, and although I have not yet come to grips with my personal short comings, I feel that it is necessary to write this apology in hopes of laying this to rest, so that we may all better pursue our dreams in peace. I have volunteered to serve the penance placed on me by the CoK in the only way physically available to me, by teaching two armor workshops for the Amtgard Kingdom I now hold residence in. I hope that I have made the right decision in this.
