Couch Foam

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Revision as of 18:41, 29 January 2009 by Linden (talk | contribs)

Coach foam is the easy way of referring to a block of open cell foam used primarily in upholstery uses. It is often gleaned from discarded couches, or thrown-out cheap mattresses. It can also be purchased new from stores specializing in upholstery work. This method provides a way to get quality foam already cut into many shapes. However, it is expensive.

When scouting for sources for free couch foam, there are a couple things to watch out for. Cushions and mattresses can have springs imbedded into the foam to help support the cushion. This renders the majority of the foam useless for large applications, though things like stabbing tips and arrows are still easily workable. An old moldy cushion might be better passed on if you have allergies. Avoid the cushions with bloodstains, as well. Take off the cover outside. Many of the glues used to hold the cushion on get cumbly and disintegrate when old. That stuff is murder to get out of a carpet. Toss the glued-on white fibrous material as well. It has no cushioning properties and will not help your weapon at all.

Couch foam is notorious for dulling blades. It can be difficult to get a pair of scissors to go through the stuff, and even kitchen shears can have difficulty. A large sharp knife is a good bet. However, have a way of sharpening it breifly after every few cuts. A long, steady, slicing stroke is easier to use than a sawing motion. The foam will peel back as pressure is applied outward.