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Clan Nightmare


Clan Nightmare (Flaming Ponies / Pony Boys) was founded in Drandmir by a group of close friends wishing to better themselves in the art of fighting.

  • Founding Members and their respective tabard colors:
  • Soon after Sir Porteus was inducted as a member of the Nightmares, claiming the tabard color teal as his own.
  • A time later the Nightmares opened their ranks to other kingdoms, inducting Sir Gabriel of Bhurtok into their fold. He claimed the tabard color of orange.

Present Status

Most of the members have either quit playing or moved on to other clans and companies, with the exception of Sir Porteus, Sir Martock (on injury leave at present), and Sir Nezzerin, who has since joined the Praetorian Guard, but is still considered a member of the Nightmares by both groups. These fighters and the brothers they fought with when the group was in full swing have gone on to become some of the greatest stick jocks in the game.