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Arrakis, of Eastern Pine Camp, Crystal Groves



Currently Sheriff of Eastern Pine Camp

Arrakis got started foamfighting on 2007 in a Belegarth park in Nashville, TN called Dur Demarion. After a year, he moved to Connecticut for grad school and in 2009 started driving an hour into Massachusetts to play Dagorhir every week or two. Shortly thereafter, he heard about SKBC being held up near the NH edge of MA. He attended, enjoyed the hell out of himself, and began driving up to play Amtgard every couple months, usually hitting Fury and GE any given year. He continued to attend Bel and Dag events and built out an SCA Heavy kit. He attended a few of the Market Day At Birka bearpit tournaments fighting two-stick.

He was scouted by the fighting company Omega and joined their ranks as a full brother in 2011. (NB: This FC is effectively defunct as of 2023)

In 2015, he moved to New Jersey. He continued to attend GV events when possible, and eventually found a home for a time at (more-defunct) Bridgehaven, a shire in GV on central Jersey. When that group shuttered in 2016, busy with work and a move further south in the state, Arrakis fell into a hiatus, only spottily attending a park day in NYC or a small Dag event in PA.

Then, in 2023, he happened to check the ORK Atlas and discovered a park only 30 minutes away from his new place: Eastern Pine Camp. Since then, he's been monarch of his shire twice, has overseen a nearly complete membership turnover (military deployments), a move of the park location to the campus of Princeton University, and growth back to shire-level monthly uniques.

He is quite active in the Paragon Academy Discord server, the Project Phoenix Discord server, and the kingdom servers of Crystal Groves and Goldenvale, as well as many individual park servers across both kingdoms.

He cares a lot about garb, weapon construction, and fighting skill. His favorite fighting style is low-strap round med shield and short. He enjoys armor and making and talking about it. He's a homebrewer, as well, and cares probably too much about coffee. He occasionally takes garb and weapon commissions but will happily tell you how to do anything he knows how to do.

Mundanely, he is a research scientist, husband, and father who lives in Central NJ.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Arrakis, along with Lobo of Dur D, pioneered and documented the marine-foam low-profile spearhead in the late 2000s
  • Winner of the second $20 Garb Challenge on the Dag Boards for his thrifted bedsheet Bedouin kit
  • Won the Great Weapon bracket at the GE Weaponmaster in 2016

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