
From AmtWiki

Krewl'Sol, of Falling Fire, Kingdom of Neverwinter

”Thana'Tomos Summons Thee.”

Photograph (Coming Soon!)


A creature born in a life of slavery in another world. After decades of mistreatment and forced gladiatorial combat, his original soul was to lay to rest. For far beyond 2,000 years, under the name Krewl'Sol, he has been reborn in new worlds to serve the will of the one of the fourteen Gods, Thana'Tomos.

In these present days, his appearance is death (Undead), yet he walks among the living. He resides is the Black Marshes of Falling Fire, a Dutchy in the Kingdom of Neverwinter.

His current mission is to test the souls of this world. Those that are worthy will be invited to serve Thana'Tomos. The rest shall be judged by the old God.

Affiliated Groups

Honorary Member to The Lauth Company

Belted Family

No Family yet.


Krewl'Sol first appeared in this world on the 11th day of the Yule Month (December 2022) . (V8.5)

Additional Images

  • coming soon

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