
From AmtWiki

Lady Rynegade Skinrot, of Sanguine University

"I will end you!"



What? There's stuff to kill? I'm on it! Oh, this is a biography? What's that? Can I cast it? BIOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY!

Rynegade started playing October 2, 2010 for The Sanguine University.

Her fighting prowess has grown exponentially since she began playing; however, she is still not the best of the best. Considering she has only been playing for a short time, she kicks ass and is catching up.

Belt Line

Currently none

Affiliated Groups


The Sanguine University

Notable Accomplishments

Prime Minister for The Sanguine University.

Awarded title of Lady by Shadow Dragon on August 20, 2011

Painted a few tabbards, weapons, and sheilds. Ask her for a commission.

Drew The Sanguine University's heraldry. But she didn't design it, Ochlan did. She promises never to claim to have done so!