
From AmtWiki

Lord Jeremies Nehmith, of the Barony of Storm Grove, of the Emerald Hills

"Like Jeremy, but more than one."

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Lord Jeremies Nehmith at Summerfest '09 and at AHEB-2010!


Born and raised in The Mystic Mountains moved to Storm Grove where he now claims the Stormcrows as family.

Affiliated Groups

Former Kentarch (lieutenant) of the fighting company Infernal Guard now defunct
A lord of The Mystic Mountains
House Inferno Asylum : House Dragonspur : House of Lords : Knave of the Wenches Guild

Notable Accomplishments

Sometime in the past: Sheriff of The Mystic Mountains for a spell, if that's notable.
12-11-2010 shire regent of The Mystic Mountains

My shire's website n_n
my quasi official website
one of my amtgard inspired comics