Rowan O'Hara

From AmtWiki

Rowan O'Hara, of Lupine Moon in Northreach



Not much is widely known about this wandering rogue, who seems to come and go with the wind. Rumour has it that there have been many sightings of her throughout the past few years, but recently she has been particularly active around the Duchy of Lupine Moon.

She appears to have come up from the south (but really, if you're coming to Northreach from anywhere, it's bound to be south to an extent), prefers the nearby forests to being in town, and has a particular dislike for demons and those associated with them and their wicked curses and diseases.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website