Boarding Parties

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Boarding Parties.jpg

Two teams, representing rival crews, engage in a broadside assault. It's all hands to battle stations as the teams lock into vicious melee combat in a struggle as old as time. Possible themes include pirates fighting amongst themselves for loot, pirates attacking a merchant vessel with a mercenary team aboard, or two enemy navies attempting to capture or recover a precious national treasure.

Teams: 2

Lives: Each Team has 100 Lives. Captains count as 5 Lives to respawn.

Adjust for longer or shorter games or larger or smaller groups.

Respawn: 60 count, or any time there are 5 dead team mates at Base.

Base: Designated General Quarters ("X" on the map). Basically a spot opposite the enemy base and as far from the planks as possible. If combat it taking place within 10' of base, those waiting to come alive should move aside and delay coming alive until active combat has moved away.

Players: 5+ per Team

Objective: Kill the Enemy Captain (5 Points), Recover the Treasure (Heavy Object - 10 Points)

Scenario Rules: Each team designates a Captain. Each team possess a Heavy Object (Treasure - "T" on the map). Teams may not move their own Heavy Object. Points are scored by killing the enemy Captain or carrying the enemy Treasure back to their own Base.

Optional Rules: Surround the ships with Deep Water. Any player knocked or stepping off the ship or planks has ten seconds to make it to their base (on their knees, remember!) or perish. Should an overboard player make it in time, they resume play from their base and no life is lost.

Refresh: Once there is a combined score of 50 between both teams and every 50 combined points after. Types Best Supported: Ditch, Militia, Class (No Magic) or Class Notes: Class games will require larger ships than games without verbal spells. Particularly archery-heavy games also should consider a fairly large playing area.