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Man-At-Arms Bahyurur, Of Hellig Brann, the kingdom of Blackspire


”White light protect you ~Bahyurur”


Bahyurur joined Amtgard early February in 2016. He found Amtgard of his own accord, searching for a hobby on google search. If only he had known it was around earlier, he would have joined sooner! A natural affinity toward healer, and a genuine love for the game brought him early popularity. In his first year, he and DracoKitty revived the dead land of hellig brann in Deer Park, WA.

More often than not, he's called "Bear" on the field and in his personal life.

Affiliated Groups

Initiate to Dragons of the Rune

Founding member of crafting household "The House of Ash", Which takes its name and pride from the revival of Hellig Brann.

Belted Family Man-at-arms to Squire Theron

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

Link to image 1 Link to image 2 More Information

Company Website