Evaine Thuryn

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Evaine Thuryn, of Wolvenfang, Northern Empire, Goldenvale


Evaine found herself transported to the Northern Empire in June of 2016. Evaine was serving as a healer for a company battling an evil mage and her minions. During the battle, she was shoved and fell into a portal that landed her in this realm.

In her home plane, Evaine is the eldest daughter of House Thuryn. House Thuryn has a long history of renowned healers. As such, they are sought by everyone from monarchs to peasants for their knowledge, skill, and compassion. Ysabel, Evaine's mother, is the current Matriarch of her House Thuryn. As the oldest child, Evaine was groomed to one day serve as the Matriarch and so was afforded little freedom through the years. Normally a woman of her age would be married by now, but Ysabel has used a potential marital bond as leverage to secure alliances with several other houses. Even so, before she arrived in the Northern Empire, she expected she would be married to a scion of one of the other houses within the next year. At that point, her days of travelling as a healer would be over as she would be expected to produce several heirs for House Thuryn and take on more of the Matriarchal responsibilities.

Here, Evaine is somewhat shocked by, and a little fearful of, the amount of freedom she has. As a result, she is timid and reserved in social situations at the moment. She has discovered that the nature of magic here is very different than on her home plane, forcing her to re-learn her skills in healing, almost from scratch. Needlecraft was previously a pastime for her but seems a necessity here, as she no longer has a source of funds on which to draw in order to buy clothing and other items. Previously, she served only as support for battles as attacking healers was forbidden by treaty. Now she must learn to defend herself as it seems anyone is fair game for attacks.

Even with all the differences, Evaine is enjoying herself in this new realm. She has found trustworthy friends in the Order of the White Raven. She is looking forward to learning more about this realm and seeing where her new-found freedom takes her.

Belted Family

THE Brutal Sannin Khan Praetor-Lord F(lynn). U(lysses). Bard: The Undaunted Spinecracker, Nameless Technomancer seeker of The Nine Blades, Esq.

      • Page Id of Lichwood Grove.

Affiliated Groups

Order of the White Raven

Notable Accomplishments

  • Order of the Garber - rank 3
  • Order of the Mask - rank 1

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