Rules Revision Process 7.5

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Taken directly from the 7.5 rulebook

The previous section is "Glossary"

Rules Revision Process

Glorious & Arthon look over the rules before their WBW bout.

1) Each Kingdom must elect or appoint a representative. The manner in which this is done is left up to the individual Kingdom.

  • a) The representative (reps) will be the only person allowed to post to the boards on to discuss or suggest rule changes and clarifications. The boards are open to the public for reading.
  • b) The representative position is an open-ended appointment unless removed by the Monarch or the rep steps down. This is to allow for consistency amongst the reps.
  • c) The reps can be removed from the position at any time by the current Monarch of their Kingdom.
  • d) The rep answers directly to their Kingdom Monarch.
  • e) The representative must be a current member of the Kingdom in which he/she is to serve.
  • f) The main duty of the rep is to poll their Kingdom for rule changes and clarifications then bring them to he boards. Each rep must remain in contact with the Monarchy and populace in order to promote the Kingdom’s rule agenda.
  • g) The reps have the discretionary right to discard changes that are obviously inappropriate.
  • h) The reps will discuss the changes on the board to help clarify and clean up the wording and intention of the changes.
  • i) The reps must transfer any Rule Changes from the discussion boards to the final request board before the last day in June, in voting years. Clarifications must be transferred by the last day of June every year. Any transfers after the date will be null and void for the current voting year.

2) Rule Changes will be voted upon and enacted in even-numbered years.

3) Clarifications will be voted upon every year. Clarifications for odd-numbered years will be made available as an errata sheet that will be supplied with the rulebook. These clarifications will be edited into the rulebook on the following year along with any new Rules Changes.

4) A representative of Amtgard Inc. will compile the finalized list of Rule Changes and Clarifications and will supply copies for the official vote. Each Kingdom’s rep will post the finalized list on their Kingdom’s list.

5) The vote will be held at the Gathering of the Clans, during the Monarch’s meeting.

6) Only Monarchs may cast a vote at the meeting unless a representative (a representative of the Kingdom not necessarily the rules representative, although the rules representative is eligible for this duty.) has been appointed by them, in writing, before the meeting. It is in every Kingdom’s best interest to have a representative of their land with a list of votes at this meeting.

7) Only the items on the finalized list will be voted upon. Absolutely no Rules Changes or Clarifications will be accepted on site for change.

8) Each item on the finalized list will be voted upon with a 75% majority of the assembled Monarchs (or appointed representatives) required for it to pass.

9) Passed items are then compiled for entry into the rulebook or errata sheet as appropriate.

10) All rule changes and clarifications are effective one month from the date of the meeting. Errata sheets and edits will be posted at by this date.

The next section is "Award Standardization"