Visit (V7)

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One of the Bardic spells.

Spell Type

Neutral, other, Bard Lvl. 1


State "Visit" followed by a 150 count, during which the caster may make no hostile actions or the magic must be restarted.


The caster may defend himself if directly threatened, but must disengage as soon as possible. The count is not a casting action, but time required for the Visit to take effect and must be counted so it can be heard 50 ft. away. The caster must remain at his base during this count or the magic must be restarted. Is not used up until count is successful. The caster may enter and sit within/at the enemy base and/or position, and perform and talk with them. During this time neither the caster nor the enemy may attack one another or cast hostile magic at each other. To end the "Visit" the caster must declare that he is leaving and tag his base before returning to the game.


Monsters may choose to ignore Visit and attack the caster.