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House Gallifrey

”I'm the Doctor . . . . . look me up”


-- to be determined --


House Gallifrey is an amtgard household based on the world and universe of Doctor Who. Formed at Olympiad 2011, its members strive to uphold the best of ideals from the Doctor himself. A service based household, the Timelords, as the members call themselves, help out during events with anything possible.

Group Affiliations

Crying Heavens / Forsaken Hollow


Full Members: (Time Lords)

David Wallace

Enrique Barcelo

Allan Chaffin

Andrew Matos

Beau Cannon

Bruce Boulay

Cesar Rojas

Jerry Ray

Kais D. Foroni

Kate Robinson

Mary Evalena Brown

Red Elder

Riley Price

Shellie Perry

Watashi Aimasen

New Members: (Companions)

Asia C T Martinez

Niki Weldon

Notable Accomplishments

-- Nothing Yet ;) --

Contact Information