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Squire Countess Melena, of Drandmir HFS

”Come to the dark side....I have cookies.”



Melena is currently known as the 'skinny chick' to most people, having garnered fame through her sparse use of garb and lately, flamboyant use of fabrics and colors to draw the attention of the neighboring unsuspecting LARP-ers. Currently trying to master the art of fighting (and failing miserably, some would say), she is most well-known for her skills in service, having been in office for all but ~6 months of her relatively short (3 years in January 2007) career in Drandmir. She is currently Councilor of Drandmir as well as Autocrat for CRW XI, and as a result, rather busy pulling her hair out in frustration at the lack of initiative as well as knowledge she seems to be running into.

Affiliated Groups

Drandmir. Nuff said.

Belted Family

Melena is squired to Sir Martock...who was squired to Dame Elsha...who was squired to Sir...(Nick?)...all of Drandmir.

Notable Accomplishments

Having mastered the art of persuasion with her feminine wiles, Melena controlled Drandmir with a not-so-iron fist for two consecutive reigns....only to be thwarted in her plans to take over the entirety of HFS for a time with the untimely enforcement of Drandmir's two-reign rule by the stingy Sir Darien. Currently Autocrat for CRW XI, lamentably absent as Councilor, and attempting to forge less-hostile communications with Amtgard as well as other kingdoms of HFS.

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website